Анджей Браницки


CV (English)

Andrey Branitskiy (Andrzej Branicki) is Doctor of Science (History of International Relations, 2007), Professor (Regional Studies, 2010), Director of European Studies Program (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Faculty of International Relations), Executive Director of Nizhny Novgorod Regional Public Organization “Foundation for European Studies in Nizhny Novgorod” (FES-NN), President of Polish Culture Society “Polonez”, Vice-President of Nizhny Novgorod Department of Association for European Studies (AES), Chairman of the Expert Council for Conducting State Religious Evaluation by the Main Department of the Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
A. Branitskiy has historical (Lobachevsky Nizhni Novgorod State University), linguistic (Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University) and philological (Minin University) education. He speaks Polish, English and French, reads and understands German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Ukrainian and some other European languages. The theme of Ph.D. dissertation was “Integration processes in the West Europe in the first part of 1950s and the USA position” (1998). The theme of Doctor dissertation was “The Process of Europe Uniting: Searching the Universal Paradigm of Identity” (2006). The main fields of individual research and teaching activities are: Idea of Europe, History of European Integration, EU Institutions and Decision Making, History of Poland, History of Catholic Church, History of International Relations, Theory of International Relations.
He took part in many international conferences and scientific seminars (for example, Session 375 of Salzburg Seminar, “European Paradox: Integration and Disintegration”, 2000; “New Partnership for the better Future”, Krakow, 2012), different international training seminars (for example, Regional Debate Program of the Open Society Institute; Hungary, 1995; Program “Contemporary History” of the Institute of National Memory, Warsaw, 2010 and 2012). He traveled around Europe, visited 53 states and about 500 towns and cities; gathered information about Catholic Church activities (Vatican, 2001), about decision making process in the European Communities and the European Union (Bruges, College of Europe, 2004), about modern Polish History (Gdansk, University of Gdansk, 2011; Lublin, Catholic University, 2012), worked in the University of Greenwich (London, 2007) and Magdeburg University (2011).
Andrey Branitskiy is author more than 100 scientific works and training appliances, two fiction books (“Prisoner of Hatred”, 1990; “Verse”, 2002), different publications in newspapers and magazines (constant author of “The Hill of Poets” magazine). His main monographs - “Erit una Europa?” (N. Novgorod, 2006) and “History of Europe Uniting from Ancient Times to the Present” (Saarbrucken, 2011) - are devoted to Prehistory of the European Union, its modern status and the nearest perspectives. He is co-author of “History of European Integration” (Moscow – N. Novgorod, 2003); “Theory of International Relations” (in 2 volumes; N. Novgorod, 2004); “Europe: problems of integration and development” (in 2 volumes, 3 books; N. Novgorod, 2008); “Basis of Religious Studies” (N. Novgorod, 2009); “History of International Relations” (in 2 volumes; N. Novgorod, 2010).
CV (English)

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Анджей Браницки x0

Работаю в Нижегородском государственном университете им. Н.И. Лобачевского в должности профессора (кафедра зарубежного регионоведения). Научный руководитель Программы европейских исследований ФМО ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, председатель экспертного сов

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